%0 Journal Article %T Studies on Polluted Soil Aeration Systems to Improve Efficiency of Soil Remediation Using Biopile Technology %A URS (Nedelcu) Alina Monica %A V. MICLE %A Ioana Monica BERAR (Sur) %J Proenvironment Promediu %D 2010 %I Bioflux Society %X Recent researches have emphasized the difficulty of biodegradation in organic compounds. To biologicallyremove these organic compounds some complex problems should be resolved: the need for direct contact betweenproducts added as stimuli in the biodegradation process and the polluted soil, as well as the thorough examination of thebiomass development and the transformation of pollutant compounds, taking into account the products resulted after thedecontamination process. In order to design aeration systems to achieve a maximum level of biodegradation throughbiopile technology simulations of this system and further experiments must be carried out to explore in detail themethod of aeration and to develop criteria for making such systems. Natural and forced aeration (blowing or extractingair through pipes) can be introduced to improve soil ventilation to assure the oxygen supply needed for the bioreactionstaking place in the pile of polluted soil. %K biodegradation %K soil aeration %K soil respiration %K simulation %U http://proenvironment.ro/promediu/article/viewFile/5525/5155