%0 Journal Article %T FREQUENCY ANALYSIS OF RAINY AND DROUGHTY MONTH FROM THE CLIMATOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW IN DOLJ COUNTRY %A RO£¿CA FLORINA CRISTINA %J Aerul £¿i Apa : Componente ale Mediului %D 2012 %I Cluj University Press %X Nowadays, drought is affecting large areas from the Romanian territory. In the south in the last 30 years, there was a decrease in rainfall and atmospheric drought effect gradually intensifies. Dolj country presents a great vulnerability to drought, identified in annual and monthly level during 1980-2009, with specific methods of standard deviation of precipitation, widely used in specialty literature. %K Dolj %K drought %K rainfall %K rainfall standardized anomalies %U http://aerapa.conference.ubbcluj.ro/2012/pdf/64%20rosca%20cristina.pdf