%0 Journal Article %T FLOW CONTROL FACTORS AND RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS IN THE VALEA CERBULUI RIVER BASIN %A RUTH PERJU %J Aerul £żi Apa : Componente ale Mediului %D 2012 %I Cluj University Press %X CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AVERAGE LIQUID FLOW IN THE VALEA CERBULUI RIVER BASIN. This article aims to emphasize the characteristics of the average liquid flow in the Valea Cerbului Basin (a tributary of the upper course of Prahova River). Although it is a small hydrographic basin (26 km2), it has distinct hydrological features, which are imposed by the morphological, morphometrical and climatic conditions of this area. In order to achieve this purpose, the hydrological data series (recorded on Valea Cerbului) on the average flow have been statistically analyzed. Analyses revealed as main hydrological features of this basin: a relatively reduced interannual variability of the average flow (Cv = 0.33); a hydrologic regime with high flow in July and reduced flow in January and February; a significant share of the annual flow (52%) from April to July and a reduced one during the winter (13% of the annual flow). According to Mann-Kendall test, at both monthly and seasonal level, average discharge shows (generally) ascending trends, but particularly significant are the trends between August and December and the trend calculated for the season autumn. %K average flow %K temporal variability %K trends %K Bucegi Mountains %U http://aerapa.conference.ubbcluj.ro/2012/pdf/67%20ruth%20perju.pdf