%0 Journal Article %T HYDROLOGICAL RISKS CHARACTERISTIC FOR PRAPASTIILOR DRAINAGE BASIN, PIATRA CRAIULUI MOUNTAINS %A ANCA MUNTEANU %A VALENTINA ILINCA STOICA %J Aerul £żi Apa : Componente ale Mediului %D 2012 %I Cluj University Press %X Hydrological Risks Characteristic for Pr p stiilor Drainage Basin, Piatra Craiului Mountains. The subject of this paper aims to present the characteristics of extreme hydrological phenomena form Pr p stiilor Drainage Basin. Pr p stiilor Drainage Basin is situated in the north-eastern part of Piatra CraiuluiMountains, eastern Carpathians. The structural conformation, given by the presence of Piatra Craiului syncline and by the limestone-conglomerate lithologic pattern, determines certain characteristics of the hydrographic network, which is mostly temporary, because of the water infiltration into the substrate. The springs, which provide permanent flow to the network, occur only on the syncline axis and at the base of slope deposits. When entering the gorge areas, they disappear in the same substrate, and reappear as springs, downstream of the gorges. Thus, because of these aspects, over which climate elements overlap, during periods of heavy rain, extreme events like floods frequently occur in different sectors. Effects on the environment components are complex. The floods accelerate the erosion, can affect the forest roads, construction or isolated houses along water bodies. Sometimes, the floods reach Z rne ti town, causing damages or casualties. This paper comes to complete studies conducted till present on the enigmatic Piatra Craiului Mountains and its surroundings, which were included in Piatra Craiului National Park. %K hydrological risks %K hydrographic factors %K floods %K Pr p stiile Z rne tiului Drainage Basin %K Piatra Craiului Mountains %U http://aerapa.conference.ubbcluj.ro/2012/pdf/59%20Munteanu%20Anca.pdf