%0 Journal Article %T PYKNODYSOSTOSIS %A A. ODHIAMBO %A JEREMIAH MOSHY %J The Professional Medical Journal %D 2011 %I %X Pyknodysostosis (PKD), also called Maroteaux-Lamy disease or Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome is a rare osteosclerosing skeletaldisorder that has an autosomal recessive trait. It is characterized by short stature, brachycephaly, short stubby fingers, open cranial sutures andfontanelles, diffuse osteosclerosis with attendant multiple fractures of long bones and osteomyelitis of the jaw; but with rare visceralmanifestations. In this article we present three cases of PKD with diverse classical clinico-radiological features. Worldwide PKD have beenreported in 9-months to 55 years but remarkably, we have presented amongst the youngest diagnosed cases, at 8months with visceralmanifestations. Understanding early and delayed clinic-radiological manifestations of PKD is very important as accurate diagnosis of PKDavoid misdiagnosing it as hydrocephalous, cleidocranial dysostosis and osteopetrosis as the conditions may resemble each other clinically andradiologically. %K Pyknodysostosis %K early %K delayed %K clinical signs. %U http://www.theprofesional.com/article/2011/vol-18-no-2/032-Prof-1720.pdf