%0 Journal Article %T THE INFLUENCE OF FLUVIAL DYNAMICS ON GEOARCHAEOSITES FROM THE DANUBE BANK (THE M CIN BRANCH). CASE STUDY: TROESMIS FORTRESS (ROMANIA) %A Ionela Georgiana GAVRIL£¿ %A T. ANGHEL %A £¿t. BUIMAG£¿ ¨C IARINCA %J Aerul £¿i Apa : Componente ale Mediului %D 2012 %I Cluj University Press %X The influence of fluvial dynamics on geoarchaeosites from the Danube Bank (the M cin Branch). Case study: Troesmis Fortress (Romania). Built since the first century AD, the fortresses along the right bank of the Danube river have suffered decay along the ages as a result of anthropic and geomorphological factors (weathering of construction rocks, fluvial and eolian erosion). Therefore, in order to study the evolution of the sites, analysis of the geological, geomorphological, hydrological and climatic conditions were made. Our study aims to analyze the Troesmis Geto-Dacian site (III - IV century AD) situated on the right bank of the M cin Branch. Nowadays, the fortress stage of degradation is quite advanced, the main natural decay favouring factor being lateral erosion from the Danube. Fluvial erosion and associated geomorphological processes have determined the retreat of the right bank of the Danube, which led to the structural destruction of the archaeological sites. In order to determine the fluvial dynamics of the M cin Branch sector, bibliographic materials (maps from different time periods etc) were analyzed and field observations were made. The result consisted mainly in the creation of maps that presents the dynamic of the M cin Branch (Danube) and its influence on the Troesmis geoarchaeosite. %K fluvial dynamics %K geoarchaeosite %K Troesmis Fortress %K M cin Branch %U http://aerapa.conference.ubbcluj.ro/2012/pdf/44%20Ionela%20G%20GAVRILA.pdf