%0 Journal Article %T A contribui o do processo de estimativas de custos (PMBOK) para a gest o no Projeto de Desenvolvimento Integrado do Territ¨®rio da Cidadania de Itapipoca-CE %A Helena Mara Oliveira Lima %A Hugo Mac¨¢rio Brito Pinheiro %A K¨¦rcia Maria S¨¢ Morais %A Marcia Morais de Melo %J Revista de Gest£¿o, Finan£¿as e Contabilidade %D 2012 %I Universidade do Estado da Bahia %X The present work aims to identify the contribution of the cost estimate process (PMBOK) for the administration in the integrated development project of the territory of the citizenship in Itapipoca ¨C CE. This research of qualitative approach is classified as an exploratory descriptive study and as for procedures the work is according to conceptions of a case study. The theoretical reference of this work consists in a conceptual approach of the cost estimate of the Project Management Body of Knowledge ¨C PMBOK that contemplates the entries, tools and techniques and finally the exits of the estimates. Then It contextualizes the integrateddevelopment project of the territory of the citizenship in Itapipoca ¨C CE, that consists in a strategy of the federal government, in order to stimulate the sustainable development through territorial public policies, where SEBRAE participates as a partner, stimulating the productive chain of familiar agriculture and the micro and small business. Finally, it shows the practice of cost estimate used in the above quoted project developed by SEBRAE, unit located in Sobral, that allows to conclude that the analogous estimate tool described in the guide PMBOK, contributes for the cost estimate process of the project, object of study in this work, developed by SEBRAE/CE, providing subsidies for the elaboration of the budget, guaranteeing enough resources for the accomplishment of all planned actions. %K Administration of projects %K Cost estimates %K Territorial development. %U http://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/financ/article/view/38/38