%0 Journal Article %T N¨®S CONTADORES, POSSU¨ªMOS UM PERFIL SUI GENERIS DE INTELIG¨ºNCIAS? %A M¨¢rcia Athayde Matias %A Gilberto de Andrade Martins %J Revista de Gest£¿o, Finan£¿as e Contabilidade %D 2012 %I Universidade do Estado da Bahia %X This research studied the multiple intelligences of accountants, trying to identify a profile or mainstream of intelligences among these professionals. For this, was used the theory of Howard Gardner, who argues that the concept of intelligence goes beyond the historical paradigms that have been associated only with the mental capacity of a logical-mathematical or linguistic, since many mental skills are used both by people who have different vocations according to their dominant intelligences. The set of intelligences described by Gardner are the logicalmathematical intelligence, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. Defined as a descriptive study, was conducted a survey with a questionnaire to collect data, which was answered by 189 accountants. Outlining the profile accountants showed capacity of understanding, logical reasoning, no difficulty in analysis and a kind of systematic behavior. Moreover, they demonstrated ability to work in groups and be empathic. The lack of language skills caused some frustration and concern about the accounting professional. Moreover, it was emphasized with the Pearson correlation analysis that therelationship between the intelligences are not strong, the highest score was 0.506 between the logical-mathematical intelligence and spatial intelligence, among other interesting relationships. Concluded that patterns revealed by research are an important tool to discuss methods to stimulate the cognitive development of accountants, with direct consequences on accounting profession. %K Multiple Intelligences %K cognitive skills %K professional development %U http://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/financ/article/view/46/40