%0 Journal Article %T CONCEP O DE TRABALHO UTILIZADO NOS EMPREENDIMENTOS SOLID¨¢RIOS: EXPERI¨ºNCIA DO CENTRO DE ECONOMIA SOLID¨¢RIA DA BAHIA - CESOL. %A Leandro Teixeira e Silva %J Revista de Gest£¿o, Finan£¿as e Contabilidade %D 2012 %I Universidade do Estado da Bahia %X The purpose of this study is to investigate the concepts used in labor solidarity enterprises, being developed from the experience of the Solidarity Economy Centre of Bahia (CESOL) - a program of implementation of Economics Solidarity, which currently supports 17 projects in the state. Among these projects, we highlight four associations that operate in fairly representative CESOL, the Art of making art, the Association of Artisans of Bahia - Adaba, the Association of Culture and Art - Cultuarte and the Association of Artisans of Lauro de Freitas - AALFI. In this article, the sample was delimited search the Art of making art as a field of study. When seeking information about the developments and applied technology, realized the wealth of experience and diversity of works exhibited, sharing the same space by integrating a network of development that make and change as the exchange of experiencesand philosophy of solidarity economics favor dialogue, interaction and learning betweenassociations that are in the initial process of incubation and associations that are structurally more organized because they are more time integrating the incubation process developed byCESOL. %K Supportive economy. Technology. Work. %U http://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/financ/article/view/59/46