%0 Journal Article %T INFERTILITY %A ROBINA KAUSAR %A LUBNA YASMEEN %J The Professional Medical Journal %D 2011 %I %X Measure the success rate of combined clomiphene citrate and gonadotrophin therapy in infertile patients. StudyDesign: Observational analytical study. Period: June 2009 to June 2010. Methods: In this observational analytical study, total of 100 infertilepatients were selected for Combined Clomiphene Citrate and Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin (CC ¨C hMG) regime and maximum of threetreatment cycle were given. Results: Out of 100 patients in our study, 74% (2/3 rd) patients were less than 30 years of age and 26% (1/3rd ) werebetween 30 ¨C 40 yrs of age. Primary infertility was seen also in 2/3rd of patients (73% ) and secondary infertility in remaining 1/3rd (27%) ofpatients. Polycystic ovary (PCO) was the commonest cause of an ovulation seen in 62% of patients, obesity in 24% of patients and in 14% ofpatients cause was unknown (unexplained infertility). on average only 4.1 Inj of gonadotrophin were required to get a mature follicle on anaverage 12th day (12.41 day) of the cycle. As concerned the treatment outcome, 82% of patient reported back after first course of treatment.Urine pregnancy test was positive in 18%. Remaining 64% patent were offered second course of treatment, out of which only 35% agreed forfurther treatment. After second course of treatment positive urine pregnancy test was seen in only 5% of patients. Remaining 30% of patientswere advised third course of treatment. Out of these 30%, 8 patients took gonadotrophin regime, 10 patients agreed on follicle tracking only, 8 %of patients refused further treatment and 4 % did not report back. Conclusions: Our study shows the success rate of 23% with CC-HMGcombined treatment which is double the CC alone and equal to HMG alone, thereby reducing the cost of treatment without sacrificing efficacy. Inother words combined CC-HMG regime is cost effective technique in the management of infertile patients. %K Clomiphene Citrate (CC) %K Human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMG) %K Hunman chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) %K Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) %K Luetinizing hormone (LH) %K Infertility %K Polycystic ovaries (PCO). %U http://www.theprofesional.com/article/2011/vol-18-no-2/005-Prof-1710.pdf