%0 Journal Article %T PREGNANCY AND FOOD %A AFSHAN SHAHID %A MAHMOOD AHMED %J The Professional Medical Journal %D 2011 %I %X The aim of the study was to assess the existing beliefs and practices regarding food during pregnancy. Design:Cross-sectional study. Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in Antenatal Clinic, Department of Gynecology andObstetrics at Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi. This study was conducted in four months time from September 1st to December 31st, 2008.Patients and methods: Sample size was 189 pregnant females who were attending the Antenatal Clinic, Department of Gynecology andObstetrics at Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi. This was calculated by computer software called Raosoft- a sample size calculator by keepingconfidence level 95%, margin of error 5%, and response rate 86%. Simple Convenience Sampling technique was used. Results: 89% believedthat there is an effect of food on pregnancy and 11% did not. Despite of high literacy rate (93%) there are certain strong food beliefs regardingpregnancy which have been practiced by pregnant ladies, which were effecting their food intake like hot, cold, badi and having difficult labour.Conclusions: All available resources for creating awareness among the masses regarding the importance of diet during pregnancy should beused properly by using all means of communication (especially mass media). %K Women beliefs %K pregnancy %K nutrition %K diet during pregnancy %K beliefs during pregnancy %U http://www.theprofesional.com/article/2011/vol-18-no-2/004-Prof-1709.pdf