%0 Journal Article %T The trajectory of adhesion and resistance of the bank workers Union in the corporativist modernity in Brazil A trajet¨®ria de ades o e resist¨ºncia dos trabalhadores banc¨¢rios ¨¤ modernidade corporativista no Brasil %A Ivan Jairo Junckes %J Revista de Hist¨®ria Regional %D 2008 %I Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa %X This article analyzes the corporativist constitution of the bank workers Union during the first half of century XX and the class representative conflicts between bankers and workers in banks that had preceded the 1964 military-blow. The alterations in the relations between bankers and bank-workers are understood in this research as part of an immense field of forces where workers and capitalist they carry through incited conflicts, and also alliances, in complex relations of dispute, resistance and cooperation that are developed between its diverse fractions of social class. The permanent process of redefinition of the relations between financer and workers in banks, the formation and the influences of the corporativist politics on the identity formation of the workers and their organization into a Union were reserarched. The segmentation of class and the constitution of big metropolitan syndicate machines that conjugate tactics of organization and representation of the multiple interests of the workers integrated to the strategical objectives of the financial corporations, thus contributing to the conflicting amplification of the real subordination of the work in the capital, were observed. Este artigo analisa a constitui o corporativista do sindicalismo banc¨¢rio durante a primeira metade do s¨¦culo XX e os conflitos classistas entre banqueiros e trabalhadores em bancos que precederam o golpe de 1964. As altera es nas rela es entre banqueiros e banc¨¢rios s o compreendidas nessa pesquisa como parte de um imenso campo de for as onde trabalhadores e capitalistas realizam acirrados conflitos, e tamb¨¦m alian as, em complexas rela es de disputa, resist¨ºncia e coopera o que se desenvolvem entre suas diversas fra es de classe. O processo permanente de redefini o das rela es entre financistas e banc¨¢rios, a forma o e as influ¨ºncias das pol¨ªticas corporativistas sobre a forma o identit¨¢ria dos trabalhadores e sobre a sua organiza o sindical fizeram parte da an¨¢lise. Verifica-se a segmenta o de classes e a constitui o de grandes m¨¢quinas de assistencialismo sindical que conjugam t¨¢ticas de organiza o e representa o dos m¨²ltiplos interesses dos trabalhadores integrados aos objetivos estrat¨¦gicos das corpora es financistas, contribuindo assim para a conflituosa amplia o da subsun o real do trabalho no capital. %K 1. sindicalismo %K 2. banc¨¢rios %K 3. sistema financeiro %K 4. trabalhadores %U http://www.revistas.uepg.br/index.php?journal=rhr&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=353