%0 Journal Article %T What¡¯s in a Concept? Some Reflections on the Complications and Complexities of Personal Information and Anonymity %A Gary T. Marx %J University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal %D 2006 %I %X The topic of anonymity is conceptually and practically challenging. Among reasons for this are the multiple elements across different levels of analysis, varied contexts, and the variety of goals and dimensions that cross-cut these; 2) conflicting rationales and values; and 3) contested and/or opposing social, cultural and political trends and counter-trends. In order to better understand anonymity, this conceptual analysis article raises and suggests possible answers to the following questions: what are the major types of information that can be associated with anonymity? (nine are identified, such as location and attitudes); what do we mean by personal information (using a series of concentric circles, distinctions are drawn between individual, private, intimate, unique and core identification); what are some of the major factors affecting behaviour involving anonymity, and judgments of anonymity (e.g., the structure of the communication and the type of activity involved); what are the major values that support or oppose anonymity? (e.g., openness in communication vs. accountability); what trends and counter-trends encourage or discourage anonymity (e.g., technologies that make the meaningless meaningful as against increased freedom of choice with respect to identity); what broader principles are relevant to public policy in the area (e.g., informed consent and reciprocity); and what kinds of questions should be asked in setting policy (e.g., clear statement of goals, awareness of unintended consequences). ********************L¡¯anonymat est un sujet stimulant sur les plans conceptuels et pratiques. Il y a diverses raisons pour cela, notamment : 1) la multiplicit¨¦ des ¨¦l¨¦ments provenant d¡¯analyses ¨¤ divers paliers, de contextes vari¨¦s ainsi que des objectifs et des perspectives qui se d¨¦gagent de tout cela; 2) de justifications et de valeurs en conflit; enfin 3) de tendances ou de contre-tendances sociales, culturelles et politiques contest¨¦es ou oppos¨¦es. Afin de bien comprendre l¡¯anonymat, par le biais d¡¯une analyse conceptuelle, cet article propose des r¨¦ponses possibles aux questions suivantes : quels sont les principaux genres de renseignements que l¡¯on peut associer ¨¤ l¡¯anonymat? (neuf genres sont mentionn¨¦s, y compris le lieu et les attitudes); qu¡¯entend-on par renseignements personnels? (utilisation d¡¯une s¨¦rie de traits circulaires concentriques pour distinguer l¡¯individu, la vie priv¨¦e, l¡¯intimit¨¦, les identificateurs uniques et fondamentaux); quels sont certains des principaux facteurs qui influent sur le comportement et les jugements en mat %K anonymity %K privacy %K personal information %K surveillance %K identity %U http://www.uoltj.ca/articles/vol3.1/2006.3.1.uoltj.Marx.1-34.pdf