%0 Journal Article %T Critical Insights in Media Literacy Research in Spain: Educational and Political Challenges %A Carmen Marta-Lazo %A Mar¨ªa del Mar Grand¨ªo P¨¦rez %J Medijske Studije %D 2012 %I Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb %X This article proposes a critical perspective on the tradition of media literacy research in Spain in order to examine how Spanish scholars are facing challenges on public policy, and more specifically school curricula, regarding media education. Research in media literacy in Spain (known as educomunicaci¨®n in Spanish) has moved forward through the interest of scholars and other groups, such as journalists and school teachers, who have raised awareness on the need to develop a critical and creative media learning system. This article will review a) the European and Hispanic heritages on media literacy in Spain, b) main current research groups and projects focusing on media education and c) academic policy on digital competence in formal learning. Lastly, this article will suggest some recommendations on education and policy that will help gain more support among academia, media and citizens within the European and Latin American context. %K media literacy %K educomunicaci¨®n %K multi-competences model %K digital literacy %K Spain %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=141874