%0 Journal Article %T Objectivity, Journalistic Ethics, and Reporting in Crisis Situations %A Vladimir Barovi£¿ %J Medijske Studije %D 2011 %I Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb %X This paper analyzes the theoretical approaches and models of objectivity. The very notion of objectivity is displayed by two opposing theories: the empathic and the factual. As such, these theories are studied as a framework towards the deeper understanding of the problem of objectivity, which at its core, makes up the very essence of ethics. Journalistic ethics, in particular, are considered to be the most fundamental segment for objective reporting in all conditions, especially in crisis situations, or ratherthose considered the most complex conditions of journalistic engagement. This essay seeks to present the most important theories utilized in the exploration of journalistic objectivity in crisis situations. The aim is to present the problems incurred in the study of journalistic objectivity and ethics in a crisis where these elements are too often violated. In assessing the value of the various arguments presented, this paper shall utilize comparative and analytical methodologies. %K JOURNALISM %K ETHICS %K OBJECTIVITY %K CRISIS %K REPORTING %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=130763