%0 Journal Article %T Media and Social Solidarity: Assessing Dayan and Katz's ¡®Media Events¡¯ %A Zlatan Krajina %J Medijske Studije %D 2012 %I Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb %X While a convincing set of arguments exist in favor of the integrative role of media in contemporary societies, there remains suspicion based on the relative nature of what counts as ¡®common values¡¯ for whom. In this paper I delineate some of the key problems related to matters of mediated social solidarity, as instigated by Dayan and Katz¡¯s famous neo-Durkheimian perspective of ¡®media events,¡¯ the exceptional gatherings produced by live media coverage of events like ¡®contests, conquests and coronations¡¯, which, arguably, interrupt routine and affirm social cohesion. I review some of the relevant literature in the field, with a brief case study of the homecoming of Croatian Winter Olympic 2002 winner Janica Kosteli . I show that, in the context of the proliferation of new media and global broadcasting, media events should be understood more modestly as momentary encounters with media¡¯s representation of cohesion, while actual solidarity remains contingent upon the inter-discursiveinteraction with an event¡¯s program. %K media events %K public %K television %K society %K solidarity %K sociability %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=140307