%0 Journal Article %T Opportunity to Teach and Learn Standards: Colombian Teachers¡¯ Perspectives %A C¨¢rdenas Ramos Rosalba %A Hern¨¢ndez Gaviria Fanny %J Profile Issues in Teachers` Professional Development %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X The aim of this article is to present the outcomes of an exploration of in-service teachers¡¯ perspectives in relation to an opportunity to teach and learn standards in English. A workshop for English teachers from Cali (Colombia) and the neighboring rural sectors was designed and carried out in order to collect the information. Teachers¡¯ perspectives about the topic were explored in terms of three aspects: general considerations that underlie opportunities to learn; standards and conditions in educational institutions (work aspects) and other institutional factors such as human and material resources. Este art¨ªculo tiene por objetivo presentar los resultados de una exploraci¨®n acerca de las reflexiones de un grupo de docentes en ejercicio, respecto a est¨¢ndares de oportunidad para la ense anza y aprendizaje del ingl¨¦s como lengua extranjera. Con este prop¨®sito se dise ¨® y ofreci¨® un taller a profesores de Cali (Colombia) y de la zona rural aleda a. All¨ª se estudiaron las perspectivas de los docentes en cuanto a tres aspectos: consideraciones generales que subyacen la oportunidad de aprender, est¨¢ndares y condiciones en las instituciones educativas y otros factores tales como recursos materiales y humanos. %K Equity %K opportunities to learn and teach %K standards. %U http://www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/profile/article/view/34058