%0 Journal Article %T Curation Pedagogy for Media Studies: (Further) Towards the Inexpert %A Ben Andrews %A Julian McDougall %J Medijske Studije %D 2012 %I Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb %X An educational ¡®model¡¯ for participatory learning and media literacy in the contemporary context of digitally mediated lifeworlds is emerging (Jenkins, 2010; Gauntlett, 2011; Fraser and Wardle, 2011). The critical problem, we argue, for its ¡®adequacy¡¯ is the privilege granted to curriculum content and skills over pedagogy. Elsewhere, we offered a ¡®pedagogy of the inexpert¡¯ as such a model for textconscious disciplines such as, but not restricted to, Media Studies. This strategy removes ¡®the media¡¯ from our gaze and looks awry to develop new ways of working with students ¨C to ¡®show and tell¡¯ textual agency and more reflexive deconstruction of what it is to read and make media, and to ¡®be¡¯ in mediation. In this article, we develop this approach further towards a model of ¡®curation¡¯. Understood in this way, students ¡®show¡¯ media literacy in new spaces ¨C not by recourse to skills, competences or analytical unmasking of the properties of a (contained) text, but by exhibiting, by curating a moment in time of textual meaningmaking and meaning-taking, but with a mindfulness ¨C a critical acceptance of such an attempt to hold and curate the flow of meaning as an artifice. %K curation %K media literacy %K pedagogy %K Ranciere %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=141876