%0 Journal Article %T Review: Peter Vale, Keeping a Sharp Eye: A Century of Cartoons on South Africa¡¯s International Relations 1910-2010 (2011) Buchbesprechung: Peter Vale, Keeping a Sharp Eye: A Century of Cartoons on South Africa¡¯s International Relations 1910-2010 (2011) %A Ian Phimister %J Africa Spectrum %D 2011 %I German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) %X Review of the monograph: Peter Vale, Keeping a Sharp Eye: A Century of Cartoons on South Africa¡¯s International Relations 1910-2010, Johannesburg: Otterley Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-98114315-3-6, xiii + 136 pp. Besprechung der Monographie: Peter Vale, Keeping a Sharp Eye: A Century of Cartoons on South Africa¡¯s International Relations 1910-2010, Johannesburg: Otterley Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-98114315-3-6, xiii + 136 Seiten %K political science %K history %K foreign policy %K caricatures %K 320 %K 327 %K 740 %K 960 %K South Africa %K 1910-2010 %K Politische Wissenschaft %K Geschichte %K Au enpolitik %K Karikatur %K S¨¹dafrikanische Republik %K 1910-2010 %U http://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de/giga/afsp/article/view/492