%0 Journal Article %T Concept of Biological Progress and Information as Indication and Measure of Ontic Growth %A Tonci Kokic %A Josip Balabanic %J Prolegomena %D 2004 %I Society for the Advancement of Philosophy, Zagreb %X The history of the idea of biological progress shows that it is not a selfexplanatory category, so a clear definition is required. Biological progress exists if: (1) ˇ°more progressiveˇ± is defined as ˇ°more complexˇ± ¨C in that case evolution is synonymous with progress, i.e. development from simple to complex, from homogeneous to heterogeneous; (2) we perceive the expression ˇ°more progressiveˇ± as more successful in relation to the environment, in these terms some groups in the history of life were more progressive because/so that they survived, while others were retrogressive or less progressive because/so that they died out; on the other hand, within their ecological niches, certain forms of life (species) are perfectly adapted to their environment as long as it is stable (along these lines, mammals are no more progressive than bacteria); (3) we take the span or reach of a potential adaptation of populations as a measure (in which case differences exist). However, there is no active, innovative problem solving in relation to the environment either with plants or animals ¨C only the variability mechanism / selection is in place, automatism, instinct. In the light of the above-mentioned biological criteria, man is the most complex living creature by his constitution (central nervous system), he is the least dependent on the environment and can be innovative in relation to the environment. Man is the only living creature capable of establishing an active relationship with the environment through his special tool ¨C culture. Considering the level of organization and quantity of information, the mammal genome is more progressive than the bacterium genome, while the human genome comprises most information which makes man the most progressive living thing. We can talk about biological progress if we define progressiveness as advancement toward complexity of organisation, but sometimes the simplification of structure enables survival. It seems that we can talk about progressivenessin biology only if we accept the anthropic principle ¨C that is why only cultural progress is possible. Information is the link between biological and cultural-anthropological successfulness (progressiveness). Biological information is a ˇ°completeˇ± piece of information to an animal (e.g. the genome of a species). To a human being, it is only a condicio sine qua non for the reality of human spirit which receives, keeps and generates information. Progress can be measured according to the capability of establishing an active and innovative relationship with the environment, but only within so %K Progress %K evolution %K order (information) %K ontic increase %K biocentrism %K culture %U http://www.hrstud.hr/prolegomena/Pro-2004-2/Pro-2004-2-Cl-Kokic.pdf