%0 Journal Article %T Notes on Land-based Conflicts in Kenya¡¯s Arid Areas Anmerkungen zu Landkonflikten in den kenianischen Trockengebieten %A Clemens Greiner %A Michael Bollig %A J. Terrence McCabe %J Africa Spectrum %D 2011 %I German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) %X Contribution to the Debate on Property and Land Rights in Africa Spectrum. Beitrag zur "Debate on Property and Land Rights" in Africa Spectrum. %K cultural and social anthropology %K land tenure %K ethnic conflicts %K 300 %K 301 %K 303 %K 304 %K Kenya %K present %K Ethnologie %K Sozialanthropologie %K Grundbesitz %K Ethnischer Konflikt %K Kenia %K Gegenwart %U http://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de/giga/afsp/article/view/488