%0 Journal Article %T Patrimoniul arhitectural industrial romanesc ¨C trecut i prezent %A Florentina-Cristina Merciu %A George-Lauren£¿iu Merciu %A Daniela Stoian %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2012 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X The development of industrial activities on the Romanian territory is experiencing a considerable seniority, generating as a result an industrial heritage that stands out through its versatility (history, technology, architecture and esthetic). In this paper are presented at Romanian level proto-industrial forms as well as the modern one. The industrial heritage elements are easy to be recognized at territorial level by its unique architectural style highlighting also the esthetics of some of those (Assan¡¯s Mill, Gas Plant-Bucharest, colony houses in Re i a, Petro ani, Ro ia Montan , the furnace of Gov jdia, Bier Fabric of Timi oara, etc.). It is important to emphases that a number of industrial heritage sights with architectural valences are currently listed as historical monuments. At the same time there are plenty examples of industrial heritage sites with architectural value abandoned and went to pieces. This paper aims to reflect upon the diversity of representation forms of industrial architectural heritage in Romania (by selecting representive case studies). A second aim is to draw attention to the lack of interest regarding the preservation of some of them, fact that could have grave consequences by their disappearance and there for by a loss of national cultural heritage. %K economic material culture %K tipology %K cultural patrimony %K preservation %K reconversion %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v3n3a03.pdf