%0 Journal Article %T Intermodalitatea, o prioritate a politicii de mobilitate pentru ora ul Bucure ti, n contextul crizei economice %A Mihaela Hermina Negulescu %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2012 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X The sustainable reshape of mobility is instrumented by the new behavioral perspective on the urban system of movement, viewed as result of a travel behavior which can be restructured with market mechanisms. The economic crisis, with its financial decline, could be an opportunity for travel behavior reshape, mainly aiming at reducing automobility. In this respect, collective public transport must be highlighted through integrated mobility policies and packages of different consensual measures. This paper argue the priority for organizing a coherent system of simple and/or complex intermodal poles in Bucharest city. %K economic crisis %K mobility %K intermodality %K intermodal poles %K travel behavior %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v3n4a02.pdf