%0 Journal Article %T Considera ii asupra sistemului de a ez ri din jude ul Ia i %A Daniela Iurea %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2011 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X The dynamics and configuration of the settlement system in Ia i County have directly influenced its social and economic development. This paper highlights the main characteristics of the present settlement system in Ia i County. The analisys focuses on the structure, number, density, territorial distribution, size, dynamics, and functional typology of rural and urban settlements. It alsoidentifies the main disfunctionalities of the settlements system of Ia i County and provides some recommendations to overcome these problems. %K settlements system %K urban settlement %K rural settlement %K Ia i County %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v2n2a01.pdf