%0 Journal Article %T Metode i tehnici experimentale pentru determinarea emisiilor provenite din materialele de construc ii %A Vasilica Vasile %A Alina Cioac£¿ %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2011 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X The determination of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the construction materials, present in indoor environment, is a topic of great interest, because most people spend 90% of the day, at inside, there where the pollution level can be high, pollution sources, aried and long-term exposure, a risk that can seriously affect the health of the occupants, with the advent of changes in genetic structure andweakening the immune system. To minimize such risks are necessary a range of information, starting from requirements and performance levels, used in the design stage, thus facilitating the selection of building materials in terms of emission levels and continuing with the optimal solutions for energy consumption. The methods used for the determination of the levels of these compounds emitted from different building materials can be direct methods and indirect methods of detection. The article aims to present the currentstate of these methods and experimental techniques, for the knowledge of the domain, then allowing the collection of information on emission levels in the existing built environment and their otification to stakeholders, with the intention to create conditions that underpin a responsible attitude towards the design and implementation of healthy constructions. %K indoor air %K pollutant emissions %K experimental methods %K construction %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v2n2a12.pdf