%0 Journal Article %T The Welcome Speech at the Opening of the Forum of Mayors of Russian Cities within the Framework of the XLVIIIth International Congress of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP 2012 (Perm, September 10-14, 2012) 妤把我志快找扼找志快扶扶抉快 扼抖抉志抉 扶忘 抉找抗把抑找我我 孜抉把批技忘 技改把抉志 把抉扼扼我抄扼抗我抒 忍抉把抉忱抉志 志 把忘技抗忘抒 XLVIII 妙快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶 %A Mark Meerovich %J Project Baikal %D 2013 %I 圾抉扼找抉抗扼我忌忘抗忘忱快技扯快扶找把 妓抉扼扼我抄扼抗抉抄 忘抗忘忱快技我我 忘把抒我找快抗找批把抑 我 扼找把抉我找快抖抆扶抑抒 扶忘批抗 %U http://www.projectbaikal.com/index.php/pb/article/view/4