%0 Journal Article %T Professional Training Strategy to Develop Research Skills in Tutors Estrategia de superaci車n para el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas en los tutores %A Jayce D赤az D赤az %A Gisela Bravo L車pez %A Yamirka Gonz芍lez Puerto %A Lisbet Menes Ortega %J MediSur %D 2012 %I Centro Provincial de Informaci車n de las Ciencias M谷dicas en Cienfuegos %X Background: the tutor is the leading figure in the formation and development of research skills, so he should become a researcher and professor in order to train students in research. Objective: to elaborate a professional training strategy to achieve the preparation of tutors as researchers and to influence the scientific activity of students. Methods: we complemented the quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The context of the research was the Information Management in Health profile from the Bachelor in Health Technology Career of Cienfuegos Municipality during the 2009 每 2010 academic course. Empirical methods were used: document analysis, observation, survey, interviews and experts criteria. Theoretical methods included analytical-synthetic, inductive - deductive, historical, logical, generalization, and modelling systems. Results: we designed a professional training strategy structured into four phases: needs assessment of tutors related to research skills, planning the research methodology course, implementation of the strategy for improvement, and evaluation and monitoring. For validation, experts criteria as to competence coefficient was used, a process that confirmed the feasibility, relevance and quality of this strategy. Conclusions: the professional training strategy was considered to be an integrating proposal that contributes to the formation and development of research skills in tutors, taking into account the importance, novelty, feasibility and relevance of the steps and actions. Fundamento: el tutor constituye la figura principal en la formaci車n y desarrollo de las habilidades investigativas, por lo que se debe convertir en un profesor investigador para formar a sus estudiantes en la investigaci車n. Objetivo: elaborar una estrategia de superaci車n para lograr la preparaci車n de los tutores como investigadores que les permita influir en la actividad cient赤fica de los estudiantes. M谷todo: se complement車 la metodolog赤a cuantitativa y la cualitativa. El contexto de la investigaci車n lo constituy車 el perfil de Gesti車n de la Informaci車n en Salud, de la carrera de Licenciatura en Tecnolog赤as de la Salud del Municipio Cienfuegos, durante el curso 2009每2010. Se utilizaron los m谷todos emp赤ricos: an芍lisis documental, observaci車n participante, encuesta, entrevistas y criterio de expertos; los m谷todos te車ricos: anal赤tico-sint谷tico, inductivo每deductivo, hist車rico-l車gico, generalizaci車n, sist谷mico y la modelaci車n. Resultados: se dise 車 una estrategia de superaci車n estructurada en cuatro etapas: diagn車stico de las necesidades de superaci車n de los t %K Estrategias %K aptitud %K investigaci車n %K tutor赤a %U http://www.medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/2002