%0 Journal Article %T Coordonate economice i dimensiuni ale coeziunii sociale n dezvoltarea zonelor metropolitane %A Elena Stancu %A Dora Alexa Morcov %A Victor Gheorghe %A Simona Brani£¿te %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2011 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X Coordinates and dimensions of social cohesion n metropolitan areas-development (DEMOS) was a research and development project funded by the State budget of the Ministry of Education and Research- The National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) under the ExcellenceCEEX-Research Programme. The project aims the creation of a socio-economic model which provides criteria for the assessment of the extent of the current development of the city with the opportunities and the effects of economic, social, political and cultural. Consortium which has realized the project has resulted n coordination of Academy of Economic Studies n Bucharest and included the partners: National Defense University Carol I, "Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University", University of architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu", University of Bucharest, INCD - URBANPROIECT, CURS-S.A. The project had been developed under these objectives: territorial cohesion through the promotion of sustainable socio-economic balance and improve competitiveness, encourage the development of urban functions through the improvement of relations between urban and rural, promotion of accessibility conditions more balanced, facilitating access to information and knowledge, reducing environmental damage, recovery and protection of natural resources and heritage. %K metropolitan zones %K social cohesion %K sustainable development %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v2n1a02.pdf