%0 Journal Article %T Cre terea confortului n construc ii prin utilizarea de produse noi pe baz de resurse naturale %A Daniela Stoica %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2011 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X Among the strategic objectives of basic public works and construction in Romania, maintenance, rehabilitation and modernization of existing housing stock and improve housing conditions, constitute a arge-scale action that must be addressed in various ways entire housing stock of over 8 million. Orientation and promotion activities enhancement of mineral resources is an integral part of macroeconomic policy atnational and international. Exploiting these resources is of aramount importance for society because it stimulates the national economy, leading to creation of jobs in geology, mining and oil, state provides an income from work performed and allow for the sale of foreign currency for export of finished products. Natural resources, construction applications, insufficiently exploited and used, include rock perlite, a volcanic rock, with the vitreous structure and a 2 percent water of constitution 5%. By heating at 850-11100C, it expands, increasing the volume of 10-20 times, resulting in a lightweight, non-combustible. This article presents possibilities for recovery of perlite in building materials, taking into account the specific characteristics and advantages of its use, the built environment to improve comfort. %K comfort %K perlite %K recovery %K construction. %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v2n2a08.pdf