%0 Journal Article %T Proposal for a clinical skills training on the stages of the Program for General Community Medicine Doctors Propuesta de un sistema de habilidades cl赤nicas en los escenarios de formaci車n del M谷dico Integral Comunitario %A Esteban S芍nchez Mart赤nez %A Rub谷n Dar赤o Garc赤a N迆ˋez %A Mar赤a Luisa Quintana Galende %A C谷sar Mustelier Fern芍ndez %J MediSur %D 2012 %I Centro Provincial de Informaci車n de las Ciencias M谷dicas en Cienfuegos %X Background: the New Medical Training Program in Cuba and Venezuela uses different scenarios of the profession to develop the teaching-learning process from the initial years of the race. Objective: to determine the invariants of skills students should acquire during their rotation by each of them, according to the degree of feasibility that each stage offers. Methods: teaching the National decided to form a work team composed of specialists in internal medicine, general medicine and other specialties of several years of experience in secondary and primary care, both in Cuba and Venezuela, who conducted several sessions group work and individual research. For its determination took into account the following aspects: a review of the curriculum to meet the health problems it faces the Comprehensive Community Health and the level of performance to be achieved in each of them, prevalence and morbidity of problems health in different scenarios, emergency medical condition of some of the health problems were also reviewed other relevant policy documents. Results: we identified the skills to develop in the hospital sector in the different functions: administrative, teaching, educational, research, and clinical care. Conclusions: defined clinical skills relevant to the role of comprehensive medical care to be developed by a graduate of the career of community medicine and the educational scenario in which they acquire and develop these. Fundamento: el Nuevo Programa de Formaci車n de M谷dicos en Cuba y en Venezuela utiliza diferentes escenarios de la profesi車n para desarrollar el proceso de ense anza-aprendizaje desde los a os iniciales de la carrera. Objetivo: determinar las invariantes de habilidades que los estudiantes deben adquirir durante su rotaci車n por cada uno de ellos, de acuerdo al grado de factibilidad que cada escenario ofrece. M谷todos: la Direcci車n Nacional de Docencia decidi車 conformar un equipo de trabajo integrado por especialistas de Medicina Interna, Medicina General Integral y otras especialidades de varios a os de experiencia en la Atenci車n Secundaria y Primaria, tanto en Cuba como en Venezuela los que realizaron varias sesiones de trabajo grupal y de b迆squeda individual. Para su determinaci車n se tuvieron en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: revisi車n del plan de estudio para conocer los problemas de salud que debe enfrentar el M谷dico Integral Comunitario y el nivel de actuaci車n que debe lograr en cada uno de ellos, prevalencia y morbilidad de los problemas de salud en los diferentes escenarios, condici車n de urgencia m谷dica de algunos de los prob %K Competencia cl赤nica %K estudiantes de medicina %K recursos humanos en salud %K planes de sistemas de salud %K m谷dicos de familia %U http://www.medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/2084