%0 Journal Article %T Analiza, structura i direc ii de dezvoltare ale pie ei imobiliare. Studiu de caz Municipiul Gala i %A Florin Marian Buhociu %A Lucean Mihalcea %J Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii %D 2012 %I NR&DI URBAN-INCERC %X This paper has proposed to analyze the main elements underlying the evaluation of a municipality-related real estate development pole passing through a slowdown. Its purpose is to provide those interested, public administration, companies and citizens, not least that municipality, relevant information on the structure of the housing market and its trends, closely related to the potential economic and social development of the municipality concerned. Based on the analysis performed, it can complete development strategies related to the city studied, encompassing social and urban studies marketing. In the case study were processed and valued elements of economic documentation made by the author for PUG Galati. The main chapters of the paper analyzes the structure of the real estate market, forecasting its economic-development binomial real estate development. The two planes are the main complex housing the city of Gala i. %K real estate market %K business potential %K growth hub %K urban marketing %K social marketing %K building permit %K real estate projects %U http://uac.incd.ro/Art/v3n4a04.pdf