%0 Journal Article %T On an Interpretation of Mill¡¯s Qualitative Utilitarianism %A CHRISTOPH SCHMIDT-PETRI %J Prolegomena %D 2006 %I Society for the Advancement of Philosophy, Zagreb %X This paper is a reply to Jonathan Riley¡¯s criticism of my reading of Mill(both published in the Philosophical Quarterly 2003). I show that Riley¡¯s interpretation has no textual support in Mill¡¯s writing by putting the supposedly supporting quotations in their proper context. Secondly it is demonstrated how my reading is not incompatible with hedonism. Mill¡¯s use of the concepts of ¡®quality¡¯, ¡®quantity¡¯, and ¡®pleasure¡¯ are explained and illustrated. I conclude by considering whether the possible redundancy of Mill¡¯s quality/quantity discussion would be problematic. %K Mill %K utilitarianism %K quantity %K quality %K qualitative utilitarianism %K incommensurability %K pleasure %K hedonism %K higher and lower pleasures %U http://www.hrstud.hr/prolegomena/Pro-2006-2/06-2-Petri.pdf