%0 Journal Article %T Julio Mario Santodomingo Library*s Public Space 妍忌投快扼找志快扶扶抉快 扭把抉扼找把忘扶扼找志抉 忌我忌抖我抉找快抗我 孚批抖我抉 妙忘把我抉 妊忘扶找抉-坏抉技我扶忍抉 %A Diana Wiesner %J Project Baikal %D 2013 %I 圾抉扼找抉抗扼我忌忘抗忘忱快技扯快扶找把 妓抉扼扼我抄扼抗抉抄 忘抗忘忱快技我我 忘把抒我找快抗找批把抑 我 扼找把抉我找快抖抆扶抑抒 扶忘批抗 %X Public Libraries located in Bogot芍 the capital of the Republic of at 2650 m above sea level made a good contribution to public space in the northen districts with limited public and green spaces. More than a library public space offers possibilities to young people to have a nice green and permeable space full of native nature. The ultimate aim of the design is to contribute as a proposal in introducing biodiversity giving value to the spontaneous and wild forgotten species as well as recicled materials. 妍忌投快扼找志快扶扶抑快 忌我忌抖我抉找快抗我 坎抉忍抉找抑 (扼找抉抖我扯抑 妓快扼扭批忌抖我抗我 妞抉抖批技忌我攸, 把忘扼扭抉抖抉忪快扶扶抉抄 志 2650 技快找把忘抒 扶忘忱 批把抉志扶快技 技抉把攸) 志扶快扼抖我 扼批投快扼找志快扶扶抑抄 志抗抖忘忱 志 把忘戒志我找我快 抉忌投快扼找志快扶扶抑抒 扭把抉扼找把忘扶扼找志 扼快志快把扶抑抒 把忘抄抉扶抉志 忍抉把抉忱忘, 我技快攻投我抒 志快扼抆技忘 抉忍把忘扶我折快扶扶抉快 抗抉抖我折快扼找志抉 抉忌投快扼找志快扶扶抑抒 我 戒快抖快扶抑抒 戒抉扶. 妞把抉技快 扳批扶抗扯我抄 忌我忌抖我抉找快抗我, 忱忘扶扶抉快 抉忌投快扼找志快扶扶抉快 扭把抉扼找把忘扶扼找志抉 扭把快忱抉扼找忘志抖攸快找 技抉抖抉忱抑技 抖攻忱攸技 忱抉扼找批扭 抗 戒快抖快扶抉抄 找快把把我找抉把我我, 忍忱快 志 我戒抉忌我抖我我 扭把快忱扼找忘志抖快扶忘 技快扼找扶忘攸 扭把我把抉忱忘. 圾 扭把抉快抗找快, 抉扼扶抉志忘扶扶抉技 扶忘 忌我抉把忘戒扶抉抉忌把忘戒我我, 抉找忱忘快找扼攸 扭把快忱扭抉折找快扶我快 戒忘忌抑找抑技 志我忱忘技 忱我抗抉把忘扼找批投我抒 把忘扼找快扶我抄 我 扭抉志找抉把扶抉 我扼扭抉抖抆戒批快技抑技 技忘找快把我忘抖忘技. %K public equipment %K public space %K green infrastructure %K landscape ecology %K urban biodiversity %K public library %K landscape design %K Bogota %K Colombia %U http://www.projectbaikal.com/index.php/pb/article/view/22