%0 Journal Article %T Aristotle on Dividing the Soul %A Pavel Gregoric %J Prolegomena %D 2008 %I Society for the Advancement of Philosophy, Zagreb %X Aristotle¡¯s account of the soul requires an adequate division of the soul. However, Aristotle refuses to divide the soul spatially, and insists that it is divided only conceptually, that is ¡®in being¡¯ or ¡®in account¡¯. In this paper I explain what this division amounts to and how Aristotle executes it. Then I discuss three important advantages of such a division of the soul. First, it enables Aristotle to avoid problems that he identified in Plato¡¯s account of the soul. Second, it allows him to treat a particular capacity of the soul as itself divided into distinct parts or aspects. Third, it allows him to treat a particular capacity of the soul as a distinct part or aspect of some more comprehensive capacity. %K Activity %K biology %K capacity %K division %K imagination %K perception %K Plato %K psychology %K sense. %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=45934&lang=en