%0 Journal Article %T Intervention Protocol to Address the Difficult Airway. An Alternative for the Anesthesiologist*s Performance Protocolo de intervenci車n para abordar la v赤a a谷rea dif赤cil: alternativa en el modo de actuaci車n del anestesi車logo %A Fernando M芍rquez Ercia %A Jos谷 Julio Ojeda Gonz芍lez %A B芍rbara Lucia Cabezas Poblet %A Magda Robaina P谷rez %J MediSur %D 2012 %I Centro Provincial de Informaci車n de las Ciencias M谷dicas en Cienfuegos %X Background: The ability to secure the airway in a variety of patients and clinical circumstances constitutes an essential domain for the health team. It is an everyday activity for the anesthesiologist, who is considered to be the "expert" in this area. Therefore, their cooperation is often required in Emergency Services, in Intensive Care Unities and in other areas of the hospital where medical staffs present difficulties in ventilating and / or intubating the airway of patients. Objective: To design an intervention protocol in order to address the difficult airway. Methods: An exploratory study was performed. It was supported by qualitative and quantitative methodology. Documentary analysis, observation, expert criteria and surveys to specialists were among the methods used. Results: Theoretical systematization showed that the difficulties in addressing the airway in patients undergoing surgery are a challenge in the performance of the anesthesiologist. Although many tests can predict, to a certain extent, the approach to the airway, none of them is absolutely specific. Conclusions: An intervention protocol was designed for addressing the difficult airway. It is based on needs assessment in the performance of the Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist. The proposed protocol was validated by experts and is an alternative that helps building a consensus and improving the performance of the anesthesiologist. Fundamento: la habilidad para asegurar la v赤a a谷rea en diversidad de pacientes y distintas circunstancias cl赤nicas, representa un dominio obligado para el equipo de salud, constituye una actividad cotidiana del anestesi車logo, quien es considerado "el experto" en esta materia, raz車n por la cual con frecuencia se le solicita su cooperaci車n en los Servicios de Urgencias, en las Unidades de Terapia Intensiva y en otras 芍reas del hospital, cuando el personal m谷dico encuentra dificultades para ventilar y/o intubar la v赤a a谷rea de los pacientes. Objetivo: dise ar un protocolo de intervenci車n para el abordaje de la v赤a a谷rea dif赤cil. M谷todos: se realiz車 un estudio exploratorio, donde se complement車 la metodolog赤a cualitativa y cuantitativa. Dentro de los m谷todos cient赤ficos se utilizaron el an芍lisis documental, la observaci車n, criterio de expertos y encuesta a especialistas. Resultados: la sistematizaci車n te車rica permiti車 evidenciar que la dificultad de abordar la v赤a a谷rea en el paciente quir迆rgico constituye un reto en el modo de actuaci車n del anestesi車logo. A pesar de que existen m迆ltiples pruebas que permiten predecir de cierta manera el abordaje de l %K Obstrucci車n de las v赤as a谷reas %K intubaci車n intratraqueal %K aptitud %K competencia cl赤nica %K anestesiolog赤a %U http://www.medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/1678