%0 Journal Article %T USING RESPONSIBILITY-BASED STRATEGIES TO EMPOWER IN SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH TEACHERS TO LEARN AND IMPLEMENT TPSR | USANDO ESTRATEGIAS BASADAS EN LA RESPONSABILIDAD PARA CAPACITAR A LOS PROFESORES DE EDUCACI車N F赤SICA Y DE LA SALUD A APRENDER E IMPLEMENTAR EL &TPSR* %A Sylvie Beaudoin %J 芍gora para la Educaci車n F赤sica y el Deporte %D 2012 %I Foro para la EF, la Actividad F赤sica Recreativa y el Deporte de Castilla y Le車n %X .- Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, or TPSR (Hellison, 1995; 2003; 2011), is considered to be one of the best-articulated models for promoting responsibility in physical education and other physical activity settings. Its underlying values and intent fit well in the Province of Qu谷bec (Canada) educational program and could provide teachers with effective strategies to promote these outcomes. The objective of this article is to present an alternative way to teach TPSR to in-service physical educators. It aims to show how responsibility-based strategies were used to empower teachers to learn and implement TPSR in a school-based setting. An action research was conducted with two physical educators during the 2008-2009 school year, including a six-month self-supervision process. Data were collected from (a) participants observations; (b) semi-structured interviews with PEH teachers; (c) post-teaching self-reflections; and (d) researcher*s log. Results showed strong evidence of the use of four responsibility-based strategies to support each teacher throughout the process of TPSR implementation: (a) empowering teachers through self-supervision; (b) providing opportunities for success; (c) setting expectations; and (d) nurturing a respectful relationship. This study contributes to the TPSR literature by describing the use of responsibility-based teaching strategies to educate other professionals to ※do§ TPSR. Resumen.- El modelo de Ense anza de la Responsabilidad Personal y Social, &TPSR* (Hellison, 1995; 2003; 2011), es considerado uno de los mejor articulados para promover la responsabilidad desde la educaci車n f赤sica (EF) u otros contextos de actividad f赤sica. Sus valores e intenciones se adec迆an bien al programa educativo de la provincia de Qu谷bec (Canad芍) y podr赤an proporcionar a los profesores estrategias eficaces para lograr dichos resultados. Este art赤culo tiene por objeto presentar una forma alternativa de ense anza del TPSR a los docentes de EF. Se trata de mostrar el modo en que distintas estrategias basadas en la responsabilidad fueron usadas para capacitar a los profesores en el aprendizaje y aplicaci車n del TPSR en el contexto escolar. Para ello, me centrar谷 en el trabajo de investigaci車n-acci車n llevado a cabo con dos docentes de EF durante el curso 2008-09, el cual inclu赤a tambi谷n un proceso de auto-supervisi車n de seis meses. Los datos fueron recopilados mediante (a) observaciones de los participantes; (b) entrevistas semi-estructuradas con profesores de EF; (c) reflexiones tras las clases; y (d) el diario de la investigadora. %K Physical education %K responsibility %K professional development %K teachers* training %K action-research %K Educaci車n F赤sica %K responsabilidad %K desarrollo profesional %K formaci車n del profesorado %K investigaci車n-acci車n. %U http://agora-revista.blogs.uva.es/files/2012/10/agora_14_2c_beaudoin_et_al.pdf