%0 Journal Article %T GAME AS AN INEXPRESSIBLE SOURCE OF PHILOSOPHY: A NOT TOO SERIOUS TRIFLE? %A ALEKSANDRA PAWLISZYN %J Agathos : an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences %D 2013 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Ia?i %X Our intention is to present the chosen philosophical viewpoints (Kant, Husserl, L谷vinas, Heidegger) as illustrating the presumption that rational, philosophical narratives are a kind of a game with an inexpressible kernel of philosophy. Referring to an antique idea, presupposition will be reconstructed from the Heraclitean aphorism: ※All things are ruled by lightening§ 每 inspiring a meditation on things present in the horizontal perspective but ruled by, grasped by this meditation, stitching this perspective together, the thunderbolt 每 a sign from the vertical order. So, we will look at the chosen philosophies from the point of view of grasping that light, of being revealed through them 每 as if emanating from the darkness of an unknowable incitement that provokes this light. In Kant*s critical analysis we pay attention to the unknowable root of two trunks of learning, in L谷vinas* philosophy 每 related to the difference of the lightening, the difference of the Other, in Husserl*s phenomenology 每 to the impulse ruling the development of modern philosophical systems, and in Heidegger*s considerations 每 to the acts of Being directing the history of European metaphysics. %K inexpressible source of philosophy %K critical logos %K otherness %K truth %K serious philosophizing %U http://www.agathos-international-review.com/issue4_1/05.Articol%20-%20Aleksandra%20Pawliszyn.pdf