%0 Journal Article %T Emergency in pediatric and adolescent psychiatry. Note taking for the primary health assistance. Urgencias en psiquiatr赤a infantil y adolescente. Apuntes para el nivel primario de atenci車n. %A Zenaida Mar赤a S芍ez %J MediSur %D 2013 %I Centro Provincial de Informaci車n de las Ciencias M谷dicas en Cienfuegos %X The psyquiatric emergences in children and adolescents are usually manifested as alterations of the feelings, behavior or in the school efficiency and its origin is found in the physical tensions, contradictions in the breeding, marital conflicts, bad interpersonal relationships, negligence, loss of the significant model at home, etc. It is important to address that there is no direct relationship between the causal factor and the onset of the symptoms. This largely depends on variables such as temperament, levels of development, nature and duration of the stress, past experience and family capacity/ability of the family to get adapted to new situations. Parents frequently come to visit General Comprehensive doctor because they are worried about their children∩s behaviors, i.e.; if they are normal or require certain intervention. In the current review we make reference to the psychosocial issues that may bring about psychopathological manifestations which need a timely intervention. Otherwise, there is a risk for the physical integrity of the kid, adolescent or another people which may result into a remarkable complications and suffering for the patients or their relatives. We are going to make reference to the abuse of some substances, adoption, nervous anorexia, suicide attempt, infant abuse, fire provocation and mourning reaction. We are making emphasis on the clinical assessment of the risk factors which contribute to the appearance of these issues and the management in the primary level of assistance to prevent further complications. Las urgencias psiqui芍tricas en el ni o y el adolescente se manifiestan usualmente como alteraciones de los sentimientos, de la conducta o del rendimiento escolar y tienen su origen en tensiones f赤sicas, contradicciones en la crianza, conflictos maritales, malos tratos, negligencia, p谷rdida de figuras significativas, etc. Es importante se alar que no existe una relaci車n directa entre el factor causal y la aparici車n de los s赤ntomas, esto depende de muchas variables como: temperamento, niveles de desarrollo, naturaleza y duraci車n del estr谷s, experiencias pasadas y capacidad de la familia para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones. Frecuentemente los padres acuden a su m谷dico de familia preocupados por saber si algunas conductas de sus hijos son normales o requieren intervenci車n. En la presente revisi車n nos vamos a referir a problemas psicosociales que pueden dar lugar a manifestaciones psicopatol車gicas, las cuales necesitan de una intervenci車n oportuna, pues de no hacerlo pueden provocar riesgo para la integridad f赤sica del ni o %K Psiquiatr赤a infantil %K adolescencia %K urgencias m谷dicas %U http://www.medisur.sld.cu/index.php/medisur/article/view/10