%0 Journal Article %T MAC¨¢RIO E A IMPORT NCIA DOS BESTI¨¢RIOS NA PROSA NARRATIVA DE JUAN RULFO %A MARIA IVONETE SANTOS SILVA %J Agathos : an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Ia?i %X Our proposal is to analyze the tale Mac¨¢rio by Juan Rulfo, originally published in the magazine Pan and America in the early '50s and, in 1953, in his book of short stories El Llano en Llamas. Our aim is to highlight the importance of the bestiary, influencing on the construction of a narrative seemingly simple, but which reaches density and accuracy to the extent that its narrator-protagonist - easily identified as crazy -, makes it emerge situations of religious conflicts and traumas which come from experiences of sexual repression. %K Mac¨¢rio %K Rulfo %K bestiary %K narrative %U http://www.agathos-international-review.com/issue3_1/Ivonete%20Santos%20Silva%20-%20Macario%20e%20a%20importancia%20dos%20bestiarios.pdf