%0 Journal Article %T EFECTOS DEL G谷NERO Y LA ETAPA EDUCATIVA DEL ESTUDIANTE SOBRE LA SATISFACCI車N Y LA DESMOTIVACI車N EN EDUCACI車N F赤SICA DURANTE LA EDUCACI車N OBLIGATORIA | EFFECTS OF GENDER AND STUDENTS' EDUCATIONAL STAGE ON SATISFACTION AND DEMOTIVATION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN COMPULSORY EDUCATION %A Antonio G車mez-Rijo %A Saira G芍mez-Medina %A Isabel Mart赤nez-Herr芍ez %J 芍gora para la Educaci車n F赤sica y el Deporte %D 2011 %I Foro para la EF, la Actividad F赤sica Recreativa y el Deporte de Castilla y Le車n %X RESUMEN.- El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos del g谷nero y la etapa educativa del estudiante sobre la satisfacci車n y la desmotivaci車n en Educaci車n F赤sica durante la educaci車n obligatoria. Participaron 684 estudiantes de la asignatura de Educaci車n F赤sica (323 chicos y 361 chicas), con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 18 a os. Se utiliz車 la escala para la medida de la satisfacci車n de la pr芍ctica deportiva (EMSPD) y el factor desmotivaci車n de la Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad (PLOC). Se realiz車 un an芍lisis descriptivo y correlacional de los datos. Se determinaron las propiedades psicom谷tricas de las escalas. Por 迆ltimo, se efectu車 un an芍lisis univariante seg迆n el g谷nero y la etapa educativa y un an芍lisis de regresi車n lineal. Los resultados se alan que, a medida que se avanza en los cursos, los estudiantes se muestran menos satisfechos y m芍s desmotivados hacia el 芍rea. Respecto al g谷nero, los alumnos perciben con mayor satisfacci車n el 芍rea que las alumnas. Finalmente, la discusi車n se centra en el papel que tiene la percepci車n del alumnado de cara a enfocar el tipo de docencia que se quiere conseguir.ABSTRACT.- The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the gender and the educational stage of the student on the satisfaction and the demotivation in Physical Education in compulsory education. Data was obtained from 684 students (323 boys and 361 girls), with ages between 11 and 18 years. Two scales were used: the EMSPD, measure of the satisfaction of the sports practice and the factor "demotivation" of PLOC, perceived locus of causality. Data was analyzed (descriptive and correlational); psychometric properties of the scales were assessed; and, finally, an ANOVA by gender and educational stage and a linear regression analysis were performed. Results indicate that, as you progress through the courses, students are less satisfied with and less motivated towards PE. Regarding gender, boys are more satisfied with the area that girls. Finally, the discussion focuses on the role that students perceptions play in the configuration of the teaching approach. %K G谷nero %K etapa educativa %K satisfacci車n %K desmotivaci車n %K Educaci車n F赤sica %K gender %K educational stage %K satisfaction %K demotivation %K physical education. %U http://www5.uva.es/agora/revista/13_2/agora13_2c_gomez_et_al