%0 Journal Article %T SPONTAN¨¦IT¨¦ ET HASARD. J. POLLOCK OU L¡¯INTEGRATION DANS L¡¯HARMONIE UNIVERSELLE %A LAURA -CODRINA IONI£¿£¿ %J Agathos : an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences %D 2011 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Ia?i %X Returning to medieval spirituality seems to be a common feature of the artistic currents, claimed by romanticism: expressionism, abstract expressionism or neo-expressionism. In romanticism the aspiration toward the absolute was obviously. In expressionism the place edicated to the divinity is found to be empty, and art becomes a cry of despair facing the solitude. Abstract expressionism does not even try to aim for transcendence, but it does probe the interiority, subjectivity and reaction of the human being in the midst of being. However, there are artists belonging to the abstract expressionism who express in their art the harmony of the human being within the cosmos. An example is the art of J. Pollock. It is an art for which not only the artistic image, but also the technique, the dripping, and the means of working become expressions of the cosmic harmony. It is something alike a part of science (F.Capra) or the medieval mysticism where we find the same need of communion with nature, a spiritualization of the world, as the first step on the path towards divinity. %K medieval spirituality %K expressionism %K abstract expressionism %K J.Pollock %K cosmic harmony. %U http://www.agathos-international-review.com/issue2_2/10.%20Articol%206%20-%20CODRINA-LAURA%20IONITA.pdf