%0 Journal Article %T ¡°TOTALMENTE DIVERSO¡±: SAN TOMMASO %A IOSIF TAMA£¿ %J Agathos : an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences %D 2011 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Ia?i %X In order to synthesize the exploration of above presented ideas, wesuggest the following conclusions: Pope John Paul II cherished Saint Thomas as representing that eternal novelty of thinking¡± which brought us close to the ontic space of knowledge, the dynamic principle of which is Being. The climax of this condition would be the moment of embracing the truth, which would trigger that vital necessity for metaphysics. According to the stated objective ofthe necessary and indispensable ratio between reason and faith, we see that Tomas suggested the vision of the objective, transcendent and universal truth. This fact determined Pope John Paul II to appreciate that ¡°passion¡± for truth. The man of our time must walk again towards the light of this truth. In this sense, Saint Thomas¡¯ philosophy represents the guide above all. Its philosophic importance, meaning that ¡°it is truly the philosophy of Being, and not the philosophy of a simple epiphany¡±, confirms its aim to provide a constant answerto many of the problems that concerns the human mind: the problems ofknowledge and Being, the problems of speaking and doing, the problems of the world, and the problems related with Man and God. %K participation %K wisdom %K supernatural %K plenitude %K identity %U http://www.agathos-international-review.com/issue2/07.IOSIF%20TAMAS.pdf