%0 Journal Article %T EL PROCESO DE LA CREACI車N DE JUEGOS DE GOLPEO Y FILDEO MEDIANTE LA HIBRIDACI車N DE MODELOS DE ENSE ANZA | THE PROCESS OF CREATION OF GAMES OF HITTING AND FIELDING BY MEANS OF HYBRIDIZATION OF TEACHING MODELS %A Antonio M谷ndez Gim谷nez %J 芍gora para la Educaci車n F赤sica y el Deporte %D 2011 %I Foro para la EF, la Actividad F赤sica Recreativa y el Deporte de Castilla y Le車n %X Resumen.- Las experiencias puntuales dirigidas a la creaci車n de juegos deportivos por el alumnado de Educaci車n F赤sica han dado paso a unidades did芍cticas m芍s estructuradas y extensas abordadas bajo la combinaci車n de varios modelos de ense anza que permiten aumentar su potencial did芍ctico y multiplicar los resultados deseados. En este art赤culo, realizamos una revisi車n de los trabajos dirigidos al dise o de juegos por el alumnado, mostramos los elementos de los modelos de ense anza que articulan nuestra propuesta e informamos de una experiencia realizada con alumnado de 1o de ESO al que invitamos a crear juegos deportivos de golpeo y fildeo en una unidad did芍ctica estructurada bajo el marco del Modelo de ※Sport Education§ y a trav谷s de los enfoques de ense anza comprensivo, cooperativo y creativo. Abstract.- The initial occasional experiences designed to promote the invention of games by the students in physical education settings have evolved towards the creation of more structured and extensive teaching units. In the design of these new units, teachers tend to use various teaching models in order to increase the educational potential and the desired results. In this article, we review the existing literature on the design of games and we show the elements of each instructional model that articulate our proposal. Finally, we present and comment an experience carried out with students of 1o ESO (first year of Secondary Compulsory Education), where students were invited to create sports games of hitting and fielding. Under the framework of the Sport Education Model, the structure of the teaching unit responded to an eclectic approach that emphasized understanding, cooperation and creativity. %K Educaci車n F赤sica %K educaci車n deportiva %K juegos dise ados por alumnos %K modelo comprensivo %K creatividad %K material reciclado %K Physical Education %K Sport Education %K games designed by students %K teaching games for understanding %K creativity %K recycled material. %U http://www5.uva.es/agora/revista/13_1/agora13_1d_mendez