%0 Journal Article %T Sector spanning agrifood process transparency with Direct Computer Mapping %A M¨®nika Varga %A S¨¢ndor Balogh %A B¨¦la Csuk¨¢s %J Agr¨¢rinformatika Foly¨®irat %D 2010 %I Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics %X Agrifood processes are built from multiscale, time-varied networks that span many sectors from cultivation, through animal breeding, food industry and trade to the consumers. The sector spanning traceability has not yet been solved, because neither the¡°one-step backward, one-step forward¡± passing of IDs, nor the large sophisticated databases give a feasible solution. In our approach, the transparency of process networks is based on the generic description of dynamic mass balances. The solution of this,apparently more difficult task, makes possible the unified acquisition of the data from the different ERP systems, and the scalable storage of these simplified process models. Inaddition, various task specific intensive parameters (e.g. concentrations, prices, etc.) can also be carried with the mass flows. With the knowledge of these structured models, theplanned Agrifood Interoperability Centers can serve tracing and tracking results for the actors and for the public authorities. Our methodology is based on the Direct Computer Mapping of process models. The software is implemented in open source code GNUPrologand C++ languages. In the first, preliminary phase we have studied a couple of consciously different realistic actors, as well as an example for the sector spanning chain,combined from these realistic elements. %K agrifood %K sector spanning traceability %K transparency %K interoperability %K Direct Computer Mapping %U https://moodle.agr.unideb.hu/journal/index.php/jai/article/view/22/29