%0 Journal Article %T A NATIONAL SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS IMPLEMENTARION OF THE TEACHING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (TPSR) MODEL | ESTUDIO NACIONAL DE LA IMPLEMENTACI車N DEL MODELO &ENSE ANZA DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD PERSONAL Y SOCIAL* (TPSR) EN LOS PROGRAMAS DE EDUCACION FISICA DE LAS ESCUELAS SECUNDARIAS DE NUEVA ZELANDA %A Barrie Gordon %A Liz Thevenard %A Flaviu Hodis %J 芍gora para la Educaci車n F赤sica y el Deporte %D 2012 %I Foro para la EF, la Actividad F赤sica Recreativa y el Deporte de Castilla y Le車n %X .- All New Zealand secondary schools (370) received a 38-item survey examining their use of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model (TPSR) within their physical education programs. A total of 148 schools (40%) responded of which 79 reported that they were teaching TPSR in their physical education programs. On average, the teachers using TPSR (158) had taught physical education for 4.8 years. While some were in their first year of teaching TPSR, 69.7% reported that they had been using the model for over two years and 37.8% for more than five. Teachers indicated that they had high levels of knowledge of, and confidence in, using TPSR. When exploring how teachers implemented TPSR it was found that many did not follow the daily program format consistently when teaching TPSR-based lessons. Almost 70% of teachers using TPSR had taught it in combination with Sport Education and most considered the combination to be highly successful. Teachers generally believed that TPSR-based teaching led to better behaved, more supportive students who were more able to be self-directed learners. They also believed TPSR resulted in improved learning in physical education and generated positive outcomes in other areas of the schools. Resumen.- Todas las escuelas de secundaria neozelandesas (370) recibieron un cuestionario de 38 preguntas destinado a examinar la utilizaci車n del modelo &Ense anza de la Responsabilidad Personal y Social* (TPSR) en sus programas de Educaci車n F赤sica (EF). Respondieron 148 escuelas (40%), de las cuales 79 indicaron que s赤 lo usaban. Como promedio, los profesores que aplicaban el TPSR (158) llevaban dando clase de EF 4,8 a os. Aunque algunos indicaron que era el primer a o que estaban desarroll芍ndolo, el 69.7% afirm車 llevar haci谷ndolo m芍s de dos a os, y el 37.8% m芍s de cinco. Tambi谷n, los profesores dijeron tener un nivel alto de conocimiento del TPSR y una gran confianza en su utilizaci車n.Al explorar el modo en que los profesores aplicaban el modelo, se observ車 que, cuando llevaban a cabo sus lecciones basadas en TPSR, muchos no segu赤an de forma sistem芍tica el formato de programa diario. Casi un 70% de los profesores que usaban el TPSR lo hab赤an ense ado en combinaci車n con la Educaci車n Deportiva, y la mayor赤a consideraba dicha combinaci車n muy exitosa. En general, cre赤an que la ense anza basada en el TPSR conllevaba una mejora en el comportamiento de los alumnos que se hac赤an m芍s comprensivos, solidarios y eran m芍s capaces de auto-dirigir su aprendizaje. Tambi谷n cre赤an que el TPSR mejoraba el aprendizaje en EF y generaba resulta %K Phsical Education %K secondary school %K responsibility %K New Zealand %K Educaci車n F赤sica %K escuela secundaria %K responsabilidad %K Nueva Zelanda. %U http://agora-revista.blogs.uva.es/files/2012/10/agora_14_2e_gordon_et_al.pdf