%0 Journal Article %T Necessity of Next Generation Network Infrastructure and the Evaluation of Broadband Developments in Rural Regions %A Szilvia Botos %J Agr¨˘rinformatika Foly¨Žirat %D 2012 %I Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics %X Impacts of next generation network for the condition and development of rural regions are already evident, but the different economic sectors be differently affected by the effects of ICT and they require it in different degrees. In the national and EU strategies, building next generation infrastructure in rural areas, by this decreasing the extent of digital gap and reducing the disparities, is one of the main goals. We have proved by regional analysis that the infrastructural and usage features, which link to broadband networks (e.g. households with broadband access, shopping through Internet or the rate of computer usage), these be in connected with the socio-economic features, like regional production of GDP or the employment rate. Based on results, we could determine that the differences which be showed in the ICT level between the countries, they present also between the regions, within one country. For analyzing the levels of development of the countries, several indicators are available and these help to determine the future development directions, and some of those we will show in this article. But first, we give some review about the significance of NGN and e-services in the less favoured regions, the barriers of improvements and the comparison possibilities of the countries relative to their ICT situation in different territorial levels. %K broadbandaccess %K ruralregions %K indicators %K impactanalysis %U http://journal.magisz.org/index.php/jai/article/view/98/64