%0 Journal Article %T Tr dzik odwr¨®cony leczony operacyjnie innowacyjnymi technikami redukcji powsta ych ubytk¨®w ¨C opis przypadku %A £¿ukasz Matusiak %A Andrzej Bieniek %J Przegl£¿d Dermatologiczny %D 2011 %I Termedia Publishing House %X Introduction. Acne inversa is a recurrent, suppurative disease manifestedby abscesses, fistulas and scarring.Many conservative therapies areusually disappointing, and an early surgical intervention often remainsthe only successful treatment. This condition has a significant impact onthe quality of the patient¡¯s life; therefore there is a need for introductionof effective therapeutic modalities at every stage of the disease.Objective. Presentation of two innovative techniques of wound closureafter surgical excision of the affected skin areas.Case report. A 42-year-old female patient suffering from acne inversa,treated previously with ineffective methods based on a conservativeapproach, was operated on with the use of tumescent infiltration anaesthesiaand our own surgical techniques such as the ¡°star-like¡± and¡°pubic flaps¡± techniques.Conclusions. Presented data show unequivocally that our own methodsof surgical wound closure are highly effective and that a patientwith acne inversa can tolerate it well. We encourage the use of thesetechniques, but choosing the best option requires an individualapproach. %K acne inversa %K hidradenitis suppurativa %K treatment %U http://www.termedia.pl/Tradzik-odwrocony-leczony-operacyjnie-innowacyjnymi-technikami-redukcji-r-npowstalych-ubytkow-opis-przypadku,56,17700,1,0.html