%0 Journal Article %T Zastosowanie mikronizowanego progesteronu w terapii hormonalnej okresu menopauzy w wietle najnowszych wynik¨®w bada¨½ %A Tomasz Paszkowski %A Ewa Wo£¿niakowska %A Wojciech Wrona %A Piotr Szkodziak %J Przegl£¿d Menopauzalny %D 2011 %I Termedia Publishing House %X Micronized progesterone (MP) can be used in the menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT). Micronized progesteroneprovides an effective endometrial protection during MHT. Hormonal therapy based on estrogen andvaginal progesterone results in the significant improvement of quality of life, elimination of menopausal symptomsand favorable changes of the blood lipids profile. Micronized progesterone does not adversely affect glucosemetabolism and blood pressure. Progesterone seems to be safer for the breast as compared with otherprogestagens. The most recently published results indicate that MHT based on vaginal MP and transdermalestradiol constitutes the safest option of such therapy. %K micronized progesterone %K menopausal hormonal therapy %U http://www.termedia.pl/Zastosowanie-mikronizowanego-progesteronu-w-terapii-hormonalnej-okresu-menopauzy-w-swietle-najnowszych-wynikow-badan,4,17203,1,0.html