%0 Journal Article %T Differences Between Self-Perceived Multiple Intelligences of Urban & Rural Schools Students %A Gulap Shahzada %J Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences %D 2011 %I %X The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between self-perceived multiple intelligences of urban and rural schools students. Measurement of central tendency, mean score, SD for the measurement of self-perceived multiple intelligences and one sample¨Ct test was used for mean comparison of urban and rural schools students. Result showed that there is a significant difference between self-perceived verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/ spatial and intrapersonal intelligence of urban and rural students and there is no significant difference between self-perceived, musical, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal and naturalistic intelligence of urban and rural students. %K Self-perceived intelligence %K multiple intelligences %K Urban %K Rural %U http://www.mcser.org/images/stories/2_journal/mjssmay2011/8.pdf