%0 Journal Article %T TRACKING OF THE FREUD¡¯S FORMULARIZATION OF THE CRUELTY %A Betty Bernardo Fuks %A Ana Augusta Brito Jaques %J Psican¨¢lise e Barroco em Revista %D 2009 %I Federal University Juiz of Fora (UFJF) %X In psychoanalytical literature, in general, the way cruelty is approached ¡°touches¡± the darkness that qualifies it. Usually, authors make use of this category from the second topic and from the freudian interpretation of cultural phenomena. However, the word cruelty is already present in the inaugurate works of psychoanalysis ¡°The interpretation of dreams¡± (1900). The authors researched the work ¡®cruelty¡¯ in the Complete Works to demonstrate that, in the freudian theory, this category cannot be simplified or reduced to a moralist interpretation because, if it does, it will lose its clinical importance and the dimension that takes in the psychoanalysis criticism of the culture. %K Sexuality %K Cruelty %K Sexual Drive %K Death Drive %U http://www.psicanaliseebarroco.pro.br/revista/revistas/13/P&Brev13FukseJaques.pdf